How to get Blue Tick on Instagram?
The Bluetick Mark plays a major role in social media profiles. In most cases, nay – in almost all instances, the Blue Tick mark indicates the verified accounts. This mark has become an essential part of verified accounts of celebrities and famous personalities. There are hundreds of thousands of accounts with the same name that fake the famous personalities, and thus it becomes essential to pinpoint the genuine or original profile. Thus the Bluetick mark is essentially limited to a select set of members of a social media site. However, there are a few ways you can get the Blue Tick mark on your Instagram profile. This article focusses on How to get Blue Tick on Instagram in a finer detail.
What is a verified badge?
A Verified Badge is the correct name for the Blue Tick on Instagram or any other social profile. Please note that it is available on request under normal circumstances.
A Verified Badge ensures that the followers are getting connected to the genuine person, and not a fake account. The badge will appear beside the account name – both in search and under their profile. As a regular practice, the tick mark is available only for a select few categories of members. The list includes public figures, celebrities, and well-known brands. This mark is used for combating the impersonation.
Simple Trick and Hacks for Fun to get blue trick on Instagram
How to Get Blue Tick Mark on Instagram Step by Step Trick Process?
There is no sure shot option to get a blue tick mark on your Instagram profile. However, few ways may help you work towards achieving that goal. Let us go through a some of them here in the following paragraphs.
# 1. Get a better Fan Following
Well, we are aware that profiles that have become famous will tend to get a verified badge. Getting more followers to your profile can help you get a verified badge.
Follow the methods described below to get more followers –
- Work with a particular theme – Keep working on a single theme. Check how it works with brands or other celebrities. Work around a theme that interests you. Or else keep following the people that have the same wavelength. They may follow you back.
- Keep working regularly – Keep a regular schedule to work on the site. Just posting a couple of posts once in a while may not work Be as frequent as possible.
- Post good content – Content is the king. You need to post engaging content. Instagram being an image-centric site, you need to post quality images to let people recognize
#2. Never Be Negative
Instagram is quite particular about negativity. It does not want its members to spread hate comments. If you want to gain a verified badge or a blue tick mark on Instagram, stay away from the negativity and hate speech.
Another activity that may put you in the negative light is getting fake followers. Instagram does not like it. In fact, it takes up the task of cleaning up the fake fans and followers from time to time. Avoid going for fake followers as much as possible.
#3. Stay Active on the platform
Stay as much active on the Instagram as possible. It goes without saying that if you do not use the platform, you will not be verified.
Not that you need to post hordes of content every day. But, maintain a regular pace of contribution. When you are due for verification, and the admins find that you have not posted anything for over a month now – you may stand to lose the chance of getting verified.
However, we do not mean that you will get the badge if you stay active, but the crux of the matter is that if you are not active, you can be sure of not getting verified.
#4. Get someone to impersonate you
This, essentially, does not constitute to be a tip. It can, however, be treated like a trick. As we said before, a verified badge or a blue tick is a means of differentiating between a genuine account from the fake one. Why not use this fact to your advantage?
That is exactly what we will be doing. As per what Instagram states about the need for the Verified badges, it is used as a layer of security for protecting the identity and the real profile of the people who are being impersonated. By that logic, if you have an impersonator, it can be a perfect reason for you to ask for a Blue Tick or a verified badge.
So, get someone to impersonate you. And then, place a request to the Instagram team about you being impersonated. Please note that cannot assure of a verified account badge. The actual process involved here would be that you need to fill up a form indicating that you are the one who you claim to be. This will make your account stay, while the impersonator account removed. You may not get verified, but are likely to get shortlisted for verification next time.
The Final Verdict
Those are actually a few ways you can go for if you want to get a verified badge. However, please note that there is no sure way of getting verified. In fact, Instagram does not have a process for applying for the verified badge. Â You cannot place a request for the verified badge.
All the above methods and tips we have indicated above for getting a verified badge may or may not work. Please note that there isn’t any process meant for the purpose and that is exactly what makes it unpredictable to comment on whether following these methods will ensure you of a Blue Tick mark on your Instagram profile.
The maximum you can do is follow all these steps and wait for a great day when Instagram contacts you and lets you know that you have earned a Verified Badge! Till then keep growing, and we are sure Instagram will notice that you are one of those members who needs to have a verified badge.
I hope you might have got the simple trick about the how to get blue tick mark on Instagram
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